We know that tracking market information and your own energy usage and spend data can be a key factor for making better energy buying decisions. Our Alerts and Reports features in MyAccount will put that valuable information at your fingertips.



Usage and Spend Alerts

Under the 'More' tab, you’ll find the 'Set Usage and Spend Alerts' page. Here you can monitor your monthly usage and energy spend by tracking the differences in your utility meter reads. When your usage or spend varies from the previous meter read by a specific percentage that you set, MyAccount sends you an email alert notifying you of the variance. To set this alert:

  • Select the meter read variance percentage that will trigger an alert to be sent.
  • Select the accounts you would like to monitor with the usage and spend alert.
  • Click 'Save Usage & Spend Alert Preferences' to set your alert.

Note: if you have more than one customer in MyAccount, you will have to select the customer you want the alert for on the 'Set Usage and Spend Alerts' page.


Price Alerts

On the 'More' tab, select 'Set Price Alerts' and you can monitor natural gas price movement and receive an alert(s) when the commodity price moves above or below your specified levels. When you set a Price Alert, if the market price (of whichever price index/indices) exceeds the high/low price you designate, you will receive an email and a message in MyAccount on the ‘Read Messages’ page (also under the ‘More’ tab). To set this alert:

  • On the 'Set Market Alerts' page, click 'New Alert.'
  • On the 'New Alert' page, select or fill in your criteria for the alert.
  • Click ‘Save’ to set your market alert.

Important Note: Setting a Price Alert does not generate an order. Prices displayed are from Direct Energy and are provided for informational purposes only.  They DO NOT represent your current price. Please note that pricing could be delayed or not representative of current prices, particularly during non-business hours.  For the most up-to-date pricing information, please contact a Direct Energy Business Sales Representative.

Learn more about Price Alerts



On the 'Reports' tab, you'll find a listing of the preset reports available to you to run against your account data. Depending on which commodity/ies you have with us, you may have access to more or less reports than described here:

Invoice Summary Report

The Invoice Summary report allows you to select one or all of your accounts and set a date range to export to Excel. The result is a worksheet that lists key “summary” components from your invoices, and the corresponding data, for the timeframe you set.


Invoice Detail Report

The Invoice Detail report breaks out all of the individual line items on your bill into a convenient spreadsheet. You can select the timeframe and one account/all accounts you’d like to view.


Electric Billing Backup Report

The Electric Billing Backup report is available to customers who are priced hourly and provides the details behind how their monthly bill is calculated.


Contract Performance Report

The Contract Performance report allows you to view your contracted volume and costs versus your actual.


Trigger History Report

The Trigger History report allows you to view the triggers you have in place for the selected accounts.

Trigger History Report FAQs

Trigger History Online Column Prompts


Usage Report

The Usage Report allows you to see your commodity usage for a specified timeframe for one or all of your accounts. You can set your date range, download or print a PDF of the usage graph and export this report to Excel. For a detailed explanation of how to create a Usage Report, check out our "how-to video" on Usage Reports.


Payments Report

The Payments Report allows you to see your historical payments (how much and what method you used to pay) for one or all of your accounts and export this data to Excel.


Service Locations Report

The Service Locations Report allows you to view your service locations for one/all of your accounts and export the details to Excel.